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builds the capacity of SMEs through direct support to SMEs in the form of trainings, coaching and market access support.

Our interventions are tailored to meet the needs of SMEs, which are onboarded in the programme after an Expression of Interest to ensure commitment and ownership.

Working with quality institutions, sector associations, BSOs and financial institutions it supports building of a conducive environment for SMEs.

It also actively engages with policy makers at a strategic level for the formulation of a regional agenda to support selected value chain development.

The programme assigns Performance Coaches who collaborate with Business Support Organisations and technical experts to entrench new innovations and competencies advancing the growing knowledge base across the region.

Good practices and lessons learnt from MARKUP I have informed the approach of MARKUP II. This includes extension of the established network of Quality Champions and emphasis on investment promotion which includes mobilisation of capital to address various needs related to quality compliance, certification, value addition, diversification of products and markets, branding and packaging.

All activities are designed with sustainability in mind, building the capacities of BSOs to provide this support in the long run.

MARKUP II mainstreams youth and gender through women and youth entrepreneurship groupings and supports selected regional women/youth initiatives.