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MARKUP II at the

Third East Africa Textile and Leather Week in Nairobi
21 - 25 May 2024

MARKUP II at the

Third East Africa Textile and Leather Week in Nairobi
21 - 25 May 2024

11 leather companies from Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and South Sudan will participate in the third East Africa Textile and Leather Week (EATLW) from 21 - 25 May 2024 at the Sarit Expo Centre, Nairobi Kenya.

Participating with the support of the second phase of the European Union - East African Community Market Access Upgrade Programme (EU-EAC MARKUP II), the companies will benefit from the opportunity to connect with prominent training institutions and Business Support Organizations from the East African region and Europe.

The EATLW is a premier event in the East African region showcasing the best in textile, leather, and fashion industries with over 150 brands exhibiting and more than 3,000 traders from 30 countries expected to attend.

Implemented by the International Trade Centre in collaboration with the EAC Secretariat and national partners in the recipient countries, the EU-EAC MARKUP II will convene new partners to officially kick-start the leather sector component of the programme and foster a new sense of community among the prime stakeholders of the sector across East Africa.

Seminars and workshops dedicated to discussing main trade and business issues impacting the leather value chain and experience sharing among regional and European stakeholders will also be held on the occasion.

These discussions will encourage identification of ways to integrate the leather value chain across EAC as well as to increase traceability and compliance for positioning the region as a reliable and alternative sourcing destination for quality and sustainable leather.

For more information and to obtain a FREE visitor badge granting 3 day access to all aspects of EATLW 2024, including conferences and the fashion show, please visit EATLW registration


Day Event Location Audience
Monday 20th May AM – Arrival of exhibitors and BSOs
Tuesday 21st 9am – 5pm
Day 1 - Training on Leather Trends and Design
Sarit Center
Room Maranga
Wednesday 22nd 9am – 5pm
Day 2 - Training on Leather Trends and Design

Afternoon - Booth set-up for exhibitors
Sarit Center
Room Maranga
9am – 12:00pm
Regional value chain development
Sarit Center
Room Maranga
EAC Leather focal persons
1pm – 3:30pm
Roundtable meeting on leather sector development in East Africa
Sarit Center
Room Maranga
EAC Leather focal persons
Thursday 23rd Day 1 – EATLW Sarit Center All
9am – 5pm
Discussion and peer-to-peer exchange meeting with national and regional BSO representatives
Sarit Center
Room Maranga

Friday 24th Day 2 – EATLW

3:45pm – 4:15pm - EATLW Seminars
3:45pm – 4:15pm - Regional trade opportunities along the leather value chain in EAC
4:30pm – 5:00pm - Sustainability and Traceability in leather – How to trade with Europe?
Sarit Center All
Saturday 25th Day 3 – EATLW

Return flights
Sarit Center All
Sunday 26th Return flights


23rd – 25th May
East African Textile and Leather Week (EATLW)
21st and 22nd May (9am – 5pm)
Training on leather trends and design

The objective of the training is twofold:

  • The first session will focus on the EU market and will enable companies to better understand the requirements to penetrate the market as well as consumers’ expectations.
  • The second session will help participants to understand and identify future trends, how to make colour choices, select relevant materials and how to apply this to product development and collection. Companies will learn how to enhance and upgrade their products in order to make then more attractive and reach new markets. A large focus will be put on how to structure a collection in order to bring more consistency to the brand and develop a brand DNA.
22nd May (9am – 12pm)
Regional value chain development

The discussion meeting with Business Support Organizations (BSOs) presents an opportunity to explore regional value chain options and opportunities for value addition across the region. This meeting will facilitate a general discussion on regional value chains, allowing stakeholders to brainstorm opportunities to advance regional collaboration in value chain development and improve the overall leather sector competitiveness in EAC. By discussing potential value chain configurations and identifying areas for collaboration, BSOs can play a key role in driving regional economic integration and fostering sustainable development across the region.

The discussion will be facilitated by the International Trade Centre (ITC) within its work on the "value chain review mechanisms" component under the EU-funded project Mark Up II with the objective to provide a platform for stakeholders to explore ways to enhance collaboration in leather sector within the EAC. Regional public-private coordination platform ("value chain review mechanism") will play a crucial role in coordinating the implementation of the strategy.

22nd May (1pm – 3:30pm)
Roundtable meeting on leather value chain review mechanism

The round table meeting will discuss the progress structure of implementing the EAC Leather and Leather Products Strategy in each country, as well as to brainstorm options to enhance coordination at the national and regional levels.

The discussion will be facilitated by the ITC within its work on the "value chain review mechanisms" component under the EU-funded project Mark Up II with the objective to provide a platform for stakeholders to explore ways to enhance collaboration in leather sector within the EAC. Regional public-private coordination platform ("value chain review mechanism") will play a crucial role in coordinating the implementation of the strategy.

23rd May
Discussion and peer-to-peer exchange meeting with national and regional BSO representatives

This peer to peer-to-peer exchange meeting will act as a forum for knowledge exchange and strategic discussion on the role that BSOs need to play in an increasingly complex and competitive sector.

The discussion will be facilitated by the International Trade Centre (ITC) as part of its work on the "Trade and Investment related capacity building for BSOs" component under the EU-funded project Mark Up II. This component aims at building networks of institutions at the EAC level and connecting EAC institutions with their global peers to improve access to markets, facilitate technology transfer, and promote peer-to-peer learning.

Among various topics, the meeting will delve into perspectives concerning the European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) and its potential ramifications on the industry. Ultimately, the event will enable BSOs to facilitate peer learning and explore diverse operating models adopted by national and regional institutions within the sector.

24th May (3:45pm – 4:15pm)
EATLW Seminar 1: Regional trade opportunities along the leather value chain in EAC

The session will allow to present the highlights of the EAC Leather and Leather Products Strategy and Implementation Roadmap 2020-2030, emphasizing opportunities for regional trade. This discussion aims to underscore the potential benefits of intra-regional cooperation and trade within the East African Community (EAC), leveraging the strategic framework outlined in the strategy.

  • Director of Productive Sectors, Mr. Jean Baptiste Havugimana
  • ITC regional or national coordinator
  • ITC associate adviser working on VCRM, Ms. Olga Khomula
24th May (4:30pm – 5:00pm)
EATLW Seminar 2: Sustainability and Traceability in leather – How to trade with Europe?

The Seminar will focus on emerging trends in the European Union market around sustainability, including recent legislation such as the EU Deforestation-free products regulation (EUDR) and how to best address them. The conversation will shed light on the industry concerns as well as ways to respond to this changing landscape.

  • Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano, Secretary General, COTANCE (confirmed)
  • Nicholas Mudungwe Ethiopia, Executive Director, Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute
  • Sustainable, small business in the leather/ textiles industry
  • Michaela Summerer – Associate Expert Trade and Environment (moderator)