Coffee Processing theory - a preparatory and selection course for CQI Q Processing Arabica Level 2 for Uganda
A preparatory training course for CQI QP2 to help prepare participants on theoretical principles. The trainer will use these preparatory course to also identify participants best suited to proceed to the CQI QP2 course itself.
Financing gateway launch event in Uganda
Launch of the The MSME Financing Gateway platform in Uganda – An innovative platform that will bridge the information gap between entrepreneurs and financing and business development service providers.
Financing gateway launch event in Kenya
Launch of the The MSME Financing Gateway platform in Kenya – An innovative platform that will bridge the information gap between entrepreneurs and financing and business development service provider.
Regional Codex Forum meeting to prepare EAC common positions for matters in the CAC 47 agenda
Regional meeting to prepare common positioning for CCFIC26 (Codex Committee on Food Imports and Export Inspection and Certification Systems)
Tanzania Quality Summit: Beyond Expectation: Redefining Customer Satisfaction Through Quality
Organized and carried out by NQAT
EAC Quality Award Event
The EAC Regional Quality Award competition spearheaded by the EAC Secretariat and coordinated by the Secretariat in collaboration with the East African Business Council (EABC).