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MARKUP organizes the 1st EAC Quality Award

Global trade in agriculture products has increased tenfold in the last decade with enormous impact on both the health of populations and the economies of nations. We do not often think about the quality of the products we buy- and especially the food we eat- unless it falls below expectations or leads to harmful consequences. This is largely due to the advances made in streamlining the complex processes that go into standardizing the various aspects of food and other products to ensure that they are not only competitive but also aesthetically appealing and meet the required quality standards.

A significant proportion of MARKUP activities are geared towards strengthening the quality infrastructure in the region. Through its partner The International Trade Centre and in collaboration with The East Africa Community (EAC), MARKUP has organized the EAC Quality Awards to recognize enterprises and institutions that play a crucial role in quality assurance, and to stimulate interest in quality management across the board. The event brings together Small, Medium and Large Enterprises in the region, National Standards Boards, apex bodies, policy makers, experts, development partners and other key stakeholders to recognize their efforts and celebrate the achievements realized in the quest for quality excellence and competitiveness.

While EAC Partner States have organized national events of this nature in the recent past, this is the first time that this initiative is being held at the regional level. The EAC Quality Awards will take place on 20th October 2022 in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, and is envisaged as an annual event to complement national efforts and provide a platform for building wider networks, tap business opportunities, knowledge, technology and funding. The Awards are a culmination of consultations and processes undertaken in the EAC Partner States under the oversight of the East Africa Standards Committee.